I was so excited when my friend (and former IU Volleyball teammate) at NIVA asked me to create a fun gift for her teams to take along to nationals and I'm so glad one of our chenille volleyball patches ended up in your hands! You can iron the patch onto anything flat with a fabric surface, but also feel free to glue it to the front cover of your favorite notebook or use double-sided tape to stick it in your locker at school. The possibilities are endless, so have some fun with them and be sure to tag @shoplivedreams on Instagram with your creations!
Here are some simple iron-on instructions:
1. You're going to need an iron, ironing board, your chenille volleyball patch, and a clean pillowcase or tea towel.
2. Make sure the fabric item you're applying the patch to is clean, wrinkle-free and dry.
3. The iron should be set to the correct setting to match the type of material you're ironing onto. For example, the clutch you see in my example is made of cotton, so I turned my iron on to the appropriate heat level for cotton.
4. Once heated up, press the iron onto the area where you plan to place your chenille patch for about 10 seconds to warm up the area.
5. Then place your chenille patch on the just heated area, cover the patch with your pillowcase or tea towel, and move the iron over the area in a slow circular motion for about 90 seconds.
6. If you're able to, go ahead and carefully turn your fabric item inside out, place the pillowcase or tea towel between your inside out item and the iron once again, and move the iron over the area in a slow circular motion for another 30 seconds.
And that's it, now you can enjoy your cute new volleyball swag!
Speaking of cute volleyball swag, be sure to click here and check out my boutique volleyball shop!
xo, Beth Jenkins
Owner & Designer
Live Dreams